Adventures in Babysitting

Stories from the Olson family

Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm usually a pretty cheerful, happy individual, but today i'm feeling unusually cranky. Sometimes people just plain irritate me. So today, here's my top ten list of irritating behavior:

10. taking all of the toilet paper on the roll, except for the last 2 squares, especially that last square that always sticks to the roll.
9. turning at 3 mph. REALLY? You have to slow down 500 feet before your turn and then slow down to 3 mph to turn?? COME ON!
8. People with really small feet.
7. Scientist with "facts" about the sun. The sun is like 10 billion degrees. I don't buy it. How do they know? Any thermometer that might be able to even get close enough to the sun would melt. They don't have a clue, they're just guessing. Well today, I'm calling them on it.
6. People who don't say "Bless you" when someone sneezes. Not even a "kazoontight", nada, nothing, that's just rude.
5. Travis when he "puts the dishes away." I know what you're thinkin', cuz it's the same thing my momma told me, "You should just be happy he's doin' the dishes." Well, I would like for at least the spoons to go with other spoons, and things to end up at least in the kitchen. I found a spagetti tong in the bathroom. I'm not making this up. Granted, it was probably Maddie and/or Jason, but still, sorting is not that complicated.
4. Vernacular of facebook. That is the language of facebook that I dont' understand because I'm the only person in the free world who doesn't have a facebook account. Example: doppelganger, dopple-what?
3. People with quiet/well groomed/tidy-haired/dressed children.

ok, i don't feel so cranky anymore, so i'm out of things that really get me steamed. I just wanted to vent.

happy trails,

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now that was an awesome post! And you aren't the only person with no FB account. (Oh, that's FB for facebook, btw) Jerry doesn't believe in it either! Now, give me a list of things to do when you are at your house all alone. No kids, no husband, no dog.
    What? That never happens? Oh, maybe that's why the only thing on my list is:
    1. Uhhhh....((cricket))

    Love you, girl!!


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