Adventures in Babysitting

Stories from the Olson family

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Super MT

The moment a woman gives birth, a plethora of knowledge, skills, and super powers are bestowed upon her (moms, back me up on this, those of you who still are yet to give birth, just wait and see). Among those super powers: multitasking, is that one word or two...nevertheless, I digress. If I were a superhero I would be MultiTasker, my awesome spandex suit would have a MT on the front. Now, you may be thinking multitasking is not a superpower. I'm not talking ordinary, run of the mill, 'send emails while eating lunch' multitasking.' I'm talking hard-core, only elite superhero power multitasking. We're talking 'pumping while driving on I-10' multitasking, 'baby in one arm, cooking supper, & changing a diaper all at the same time' multitasking. "Why," might you ask, "would one want to change a diaper while cooking supper?" I say, because I can! Because I am Super MultiTasker! and because I really don't want Jason to get that nasty rash on his bum.


  1. i bow to thee. :) a mom's gotta do, what a mom's gotta do (no pun intended). baahhhh-haaaa-haaa. I crack myself up. -M
    p.s. I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of you sportin' your spandex, super hero garb. :)

  2. HEY! I told you about that rash in confidence! OH, wait, are you talking about the baby?

  3. So that's why the meatloaf smelled of Desitin!


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