(only no one comes to pick up the kidos at the end of the day & we don't get paid)
Adventures in Babysitting
Stories from the Olson family
Friday, October 15, 2010
Be Careful Who You Hate, It Might Be Somebody You Love
Please watch this. When I did, I felt great compassion, but more sadness and sorrow. When I think that a 12 year old child could be in such pain that they would consider ending their lives, it fills me with hurt. When I think about Maddie and Jason, I pray they never know this pain, however, I will love my children regardless. Every individual is someone's child and we are all Children of The Lord. If you have ever thought these thoughts, please know you are cared about, and if you've ever been the perpetrader of such words, I urge you to consider the power you hold.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Omissions from "What to expect..." & all the other propaganda for parents
I'm pretty sure, no, I'm positive actually, no where in "What to expect with your toddler or 2 year old or 4 year old for that matter" (it's a 1st edition, you may not have yet seen it), or in the manual we received when we brought Maddie home from the hospital did it include, even mention, the slightest bit about pulling chucks of meat from our once itty bitty, quiet, and snuggly child. I have become a human flosser of sorts as Maddie LOVES pork chops (but, really, can you blame her). Anyway, for all you who don't yet have children with teeth, prepare yourself (vegetarians can still look forward to this as well, mushrooms can be meaty).
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Rangers are Winning!
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