So I was all set to accept Lewisville Garden Club's Newcomer Award for best new gardener who produced an awesome harvest 1st year gardening, until a couple of things happened. A) I was never nominated/awarded, b) Spock & Kirk destroyed cantaloupe batches 1 & 2, c) I spaced the squash too close to the "snugar snap peas" d) the bugs at the brocolli and e) Jason picked the awesome cherry tomatoes and fed them to Spock and Kirk.
Anywho, to all you naysayers out there, (and you know who you are, naysayers you!) I still have 3 corn stalks coming in, bell peppers out the @#$&, 1 producing tomato plant and 5 cantaloupe! I may not be a top seller at the farmer's market this year, but next year, watch out!