Adventures in Babysitting

Stories from the Olson family

Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 Words I thought I'd Never Udder:
Don't you pee in that cat box!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby Sister Chewbacca

At our house, Chewbacca has become known as Jason's New Baby Sister, today he was nursing New Baby Sister Chewbacca (I'm not making this up). It just makes me wonder how Chewbacca is feeling about his post-Star Wars career. 20 years ago he was defending the galaxy, now he's being toted around swaddled in a pink burb cloth. I'm thinking he's probably the laughing stock of the other Wookies; even among his Star Wars co-stars, Harrison Ford has Ally McBeal, Princess Leia as those really cool photos in that awesome bikini, Lando had that awesome JeriCurl line, and now Chewy is New Baby Sister Olson.